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Saturday, November 17, 2007


Asus P5N-E SLI MotherboardYou know that when building the perfect PC, the motherboard is as important as anything. That's why you should check out this Asus P5N-E SLI mobo. This motherboard supports the latest Intel® Quad-core processors in LGA775 package. It's excellent for multi-tasking, multi-media and enthusiastic gamers! It's designed for great performance and overclocking! With an NVIDIA nForce 650i SLI chipset and a front side bus capable of 1333/1066/533 MHz, your machine will be ready to chew up anything you feed it. Four 240-pin DIMM sockets support up to 8GB of DDR2 non-ECC unbuffered memory. DDR2 is the next generation memory technology to replace the current DDR. With the highest speed up to 800MHz, DDR2 memory provides great performance for 3D graphics and other memory demanding applications. This great platform has 2 PCI Express x16 slots, 1 PCI Express x1, and 2 PCI 2.2 slots! There's Gigabit LAN, support for up to 8 USB 2.0 ports, and tons more features! Check out the detailed specifications for all the goodies in this powerful motherboard. Don't settle for something less. Pick up the Asus P5N-E SLI motherboard today!

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